College of Kahuna Sciences
click to be taken to school website.
CEO: Ki'a'i Ho'okahi Weber
NTIS provider number: 31263
Cert IV in Kahuna Bodywork and Dip of Kahuna Bodywork.
New Australian students can commence their Kahuna Bodywork
Training any time, international students requiring a student
entry visa to Australia must commence at the beginning of
a trimester.
For further information regarding these qualifications call
the national office or visit the college web site.
Call NSW campus: 02 6684 4883.
Live-in Retreats:
Northern NSW, Byron Bay area, Halau Nuholani
April 3 - 9, 2013.
10 days in August 2013, date TBA.
Nov 17 - 27, 2013.
Jan 9 - 18, 2014.
You can attend a workshop to see what it is like or it can be a part of your qualification in Kahuna Bodywork.
college or request
info form about Kahuna Bodywork qualifications
The Woodford Festivals:
The college runs Kahuna training camps and
student clinics at the Woodford Folk Festival.
An excellent opportunity for enroled students to practice
their skills and for Kahuna Training Guild members from all
over the World to meet up.
Kahuna bodywork and information for the public.
Kahu's favourite event.
training camp and student clinic, Woodford Folk Festival,
December 21, 2013 - January 3, 2014.
This camp is private and for already enroled students or Kahuna Training Guild
members of any country only. Available to the public for Kahuna bodywork and
massage sessions, and information about the modality and training.
email if
you want to be a participant or want to secure your bodywork
Kahuna bodywork sessions
The College recommends following Kahuna Bodywork performers:
Kahuna Bodywork
in Sydney:
Martin Lehmann
Natasha Pilgrim, Mosman, 0415 657 337
Kahuna Bodywork
in Adelaide:
Fiona House, 0416 473 163
Kahuna Bodywork
in Melbourne:
Janean Thorburn 0438 260 710
Kahuna Bodywork
Clinic, 60 Stuart Street, Mullumbimby, Northern
NSW. 02 6684 4883.
Ki'a'i Ho'okahi Weber email
Stephen Bainbridge
Hielrick Dajon
Yukie Tsuno
Jason Campbell, Mullumbimby, call 0422 918
Kahuna Bodywork
Sunshine Coast, Gympie, QLD:
Gaylyn Aitken email
Kahuna Bodywork
Kangaroo Valley area, NSW:
Eloise Lamond 0427 614 903
Kahuna Bodywork
Cooktown, QLD:
Amanda Hogbin 07 4069 6979
Na Pua 'Olohe
(The Flowers of Wisdom)
(Director: Ho'okahi Ho'oulu)
Foundational Kahuna Sciences applications workshops
Trainings at Na Pua 'Olohe are available throughout the
Instruction by Ho'okahi
For schedule contact Ho'okahi at
About Ho'okahi Ho'oulu:
Ho'okahi Ho'oulu is a recognised and accomplished student
of the masters; Hawaiian Kahuna Abraham Kawai'i (Ike), Kahuna
Aua'ia Maka'i'ole (Uliama), and Ho'oulu Manawehi (Kaukahi).
Ho'okahi Ho'oulu ia a 'certified & accredited
Uku'i and Ka'kua instructor and is the owner and manager
of Na Pua 'Olohe (the Flowers of Wisdom').
Na Pua 'Olohe provides workshop and seminar instruction
in ancient Hawaiian Principles.
Ho'okahi also acts as a Kahuna Sciences consultant, and
is available for Hawaiian geomancy consultations.